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How to Select a Gift for Your Grandfather
To Select a Gift for Your Grandfather can be a very tricky business because grandfathers don’t really want for anything and can become quite fussy about what they do get. Granddads are a tad different from dads, he knows you love him but needs to be reassured of it and is always testing you. He will presumably have none of you but actually wants to be fussed over and made much of, something that you need to remember when buying him a gift. Grandfathers appreciate practical gifts more than expensive ones and if you buy your granddad something that he wants or better still make something for him yourself, you will have given him the best gift in the world. Here are a few tips on giving your granddad a gift to remember and cherish.
A few suggestions
- Before actually buying the gift it is better to find out what your grandfather really wants. Even if it something as mundane as a snow shovel get it for him.
- Gift your granddad a prepaid phone card so that he is able to talk to you and your siblings without running up his phone bill.
- Give him with a year’s subscription (or as much as you can afford) for his favorite magazine or buy him a book about a subject that he is interested in. It would show thoughtfulness if you chose the large print.
- Present him with a gift basket full of his favorite foods, wines or even toiletries.
- Give him something that you both would enjoy doing together like paying for taking a local fishing trip, playing a round of golf or tickets of some activity that he likes.
- A really thoughtful gift would be to present him with your family tree to as far back as you can trace it or if you cannot manage that then put together a collage or a family album of old photos organized in order.
- Make something for him with your own hands, anything. Bake a cake, knit a sweater, build a bird house or paint him a picture and find yourself elevated to the enviable position of the favorite grandchild.
Gift wrap the present attractively. Even grown ups and old people like the excitement of tearing the wrapping paper open to take out the gift.
Don’t buy a gift if you are unsure. Give him a gift certificate instead, (of a bookstore, clothing store, golf shop, garden shop, his favorite restaurant or his favorite music store), it will be appreciated.